Committed to a sustainable, ethical and inclusive world, Savencia is acting through its Oxygen approach to reduce its environmental footprint and support the United Nations' sustainable development goals.
Reduction in the carbon footprint of our milk collection
In 2021, 282,000 tons of CO2 equivalent were saved compared to 2010. Our 2025 target is to reach -300,00 tons of CO2 equivalent.
Our milk tanker fleets are also committed to the “CO2, Carriers Commit” (« Objectif CO2, les transporteurs s’engagent ») approach certified by ADEME and our drivers receive regular training in eco-driving.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions generated by transports
The fleet of trucks owned by Messageries Laitières now runs exclusively on Oleo 100 biofuel, a fully biodegradable oil made in France. 23 trucks criss-cross the west and north of France using clean energy. The impact is very significant since a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions is expected.
Decarbonazation of our sites
Savencia is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions at its sites through a reinforced industrial decarbonization plan. In 2021, 13 sites in France, such as Azé (in the Mayenne French Department), Beauzac (in the Haute-Loire French Department) and Cornillé (in the Maine et Loire French Department), have committed to particularly significant investment programmes to renovate the energy facilities and so enable the Group to reduce its carbon footprint.
Excepted results? A 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a 15% reduction in consumption of energy on the sites concerned.

Development of renewable energies
In France, 35% of the electricity from the SAVENCIA Fromage & Dairy plants is certified with a guarantee of origin (GO), from a hydraulic source and produced in France. In Germany, the electricity consumed in our Edelweiss plant is 100% renewable and locally sourced, as it is in our Söbbeke site. In addition, in 2021, three dairy plants in Brazil and our site in Serbia supplied with 100% renewable and local electricity.
Developing eco-design of our packaging
The Group has set a goal of 100% recyclable or biodegradable packaging for its branded products by 2025 thanks to numerous ecodesign projects undertaken in all the subsidiaries. Some examples? The sleeve on the Tartare pot format was removed, thus reducing by 44% its packaging. The Tolle Rolle (in Germany) / Escargolo (in France) bag is now made of recyclable paper instead of plastic. The single-use plastic picks have been removed from Apérivrais bites. All these actions will save more than 120 tons of packaging materials per year.