Savencia knows that apprenticeship is the way to go for young people striving to be the best they can be. That’s why the company has opened 40 training positions at about 20 regional production sites in cooperation with the Association pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes (Association for Adult Vocational Training, AFPA) and the Ecoles Nationales d’Industrie Laitière (National Dairy Industry Schools, ENIL) network, a dairy industry training benchmark from the second year of high school to a professional degree.
Two dedicated learning paths
In January 2024, Savencia will set up its own Apprentice Training Centre to train 18- to 29-year-olds in production and maintenance professions with two courses on the trades of Technicien Supérieur de Maintenance Industrielle (Senior Industrial Maintenance Technician TSMI qualification, 2 years' higher education level) and Conducteur d'installation de Production Industrielle (Industrial Production Plant Operator TPI qualification, 2 years' higher education level).

Boosting employability
Working alongside their trainers and apprenticeship supervisors, the young apprentices will learn all about the production and maintenance trades. Throughout the sandwich course, they will acquire not just hands-on experience and become familiar with the company and its tools, but also develop their ability to adapt and their autonomy. At the end of their apprenticeship, they will find it easier to develop the skills and maturity they need to find their place in working life.
Building a lasting, sustainable industry
Aware of its social responsibility, Savencia has always welcomed young people into the company. The company transmits its innovative, differentiating practices and cutting-edge technological expertise not only in cheese, dairy products and ingredients, but also premium chocolates, seafood and deli to build a lasting, sustainable food industry.
Are you between 18 and 29, mobile and eager for new challenges?
More than training, Savencia offers you a career. Apply now.