2021 was marked by momentum and growth in retail, food service and ingredients. The power of Savencia's brands, the great commitment of our 22,000 employees and our ability to innovate have made it possible for us to convince more and more customers and to meet new consumer habits.

Seeking authenticity, interest in local products, home cooking, pleasure of eating and healthy snacking: cheese, butter, cream and plant-based offers find perfectly their way through the new consumption trends.
In this edition, let’s meet our stakeholders, who are committed to supporting us in the transformations needed to fulfill our Oxygen CSR plan and build tomorrow together.
Animal welfare Charter, investing in the decarbonization of our production sites and our transports, reducing the use of plastic, intensifying our #PositiveFood approach in food transition and flexitarism: Savencia is more than ever committed to a sustainable, ethical and inclusive world.
Find the full version of the Annual Report on savencia-fromagedairy.com, click here.