

The safety, health and well-being of our employees and the encouragement of a spirit of solidarity are concerns for everyone at every level of the organization.

The Savencia Group brings together close-knit entities united by a strong business culture that guides their actions and their employees’ behavior.
The well-being and the preservation of the physical integrity and health of the men and women working in and for the Group are a top priority for everyone, and at every level of the organization.

Image collaborateurs

Improve quality of life at work and develop employee skills

Maintaining and developing know-how is at the heart of Savencia’s priorities.

We attach great importance to the quality of working life and social relations, a source of personal fulfilment and sustainable performance.

Key Figures

  • 9 consecutive years of Top Employer Europe certification
  • 15 consecutive years of Top Employer France certification
  • 81,4% of employees trained in 2023 (permanent employees)

92,4 %
of our subsidiaries are Great Place to Work certified

image great place to work

Ensure the safety of our employees

Almost 15 years ago, the Group implemented the “SAFETY is OUR business” approach, based on an Occupational Health and Safety Charter and supporting our goal of Zero occupational accidents. 

This approach relies on the network of safety prevention specialists at subsidiaries across the world, as well as on various decision-making and sharing instances whose aim is to adjust priorities.


of subsidiaries with no workplace accidents resulting in time off

image collectif

Encourage employees to engage in solidarity

Whether through the “Bien Nourrir l'Homme” endowment fund launched in 2010, or by supporting employees in solidarity initiatives, we encourage our subsidiaries and their employees to get involved in community projects at local level, in line with their local roots.


of our subsidiaries supported at least one community initiative in 2023.

image fonds de dotation

Focus on our Endowment Fund

The Savencia Group's “Bien Nourrir l'Homme” Endowment Fund works to promote sustainable and socially responsible food. By supporting the initiatives of its employees, the fund focuses its actions on three main areas. It is committed to:

  • Promoting access to sufficient, high-quality food,
  • Encouraging food education,
  • Contributing to the development of sustainable local agricultural infrastructures.


Committing to diversity and inclusion

The Group’s Ethical Charter recalls that “respect for people” and “equal opportunity” are cornerstones of our corporate culture. With that in mind, agreements have been signed and initiatives taken to facilitate the integration of young people, the employment and employability of people with disabilities, and gender equality.

The Group strives to promote gender equality in terms of qualification, training, remuneration and career development.

of women managers

image inclusion et diversité

Savencia contributes to the ONU's sustainable development objectives

Building a more
sustainable world
Read more about our CSR approach